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- About Michael Parkes
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- Works of art
- The Secret in the Stars
- New Book Michael Parkes
- Snow Leopards
- Lazy Summer
- Mermaid Butterfly
- Snow Leopards
- Between Heaven and Earth
- Intermission
- As Time Goes By
- Circus Journey
- The Circle of Life
- The Muse
- The Last Lion
- The Guardian
- Summer Storm
- Startled Sky Nymph
- See No Evil
- Night Flight
- Moonstruck
- Mermaid Secret
- Meditation
- Magic Spring
- Kissing
- Goddess of the Hunt
- Ex Libris
- Dragonfly Deva
- Descending
- Day Dreaming
- Dark Unicorn
- Beginning & Moon Bird
- Black Panther White Wings
- Angel of Dawn
- Angel Affair
- Angel of August
- Angel
- The Seahorse Collector
- The Puppet Collector
- The Frog Collector
- The EG Collector
- Ex Libris
- Eve
- The Lotus Collector
- The Game
- The Mouse Collector
- The String
- The Letter
- Lotus
- The Hummingbird Collector
- The Rose Collector
- Spring
- Winter
- The Strawberry Collector
- The Dragon Collector
- The Garden
- Jeannne d'Arc
- The Secret
- The Sculptor
- The Key
- The Court Painter
- Waiting
- Oasis
- Going Nowhere
- Dark Sphinx
- Watching Time
- The Golden Serpent
- Sleeping Swan
- Persepolis
- The Riddle
- Creating Eve
- Summer Breeze
- Educating Eve
- Anubis
- The Angel of Hidden Things
- Angel of August
- Dusk
- Dawn
- Beatrice Alone
- The Mask
- Summer Swans
- Pale Swan
- Almost Fallen Angels I
- Almost Fallen Angels II
- Summer Memories
- Sacred Fire II
- Sacred Fire I
- Moon Harp
- Summer
- Rain
- Nubian Girl
- Music Master
- Ballet Mistress
- Wien
- Beatrice
- Night & Day
- Morning
- Danäe
- Auromira Dreaming
- The Golden Salamander
- Angel that Stops Time
- Returning the Sphere
- Designing the Sphinx
- Concerti Vivaldi
- Running the Bath
- Rainbow Sphinx
- Cleopatra
- An Angel’s Touch
- Aditi
- A Gift for the Disillusioned Man
- The Promise
- Surrender to the light
- Gift of Wonder
- Diamond Warrior
- The Sphinx
- Savitri
- Beyond the Night
- Stalking
- Angel Experiment
- The Creation
- Petrouchka ’87
- Nectar
- Mayan Spring
- That Daring Young Frog
- Cosí fan tutte (suite of 4)
- Cosí fan tutte (suite of 4)
- Cosí fan tutte (suite of 4)
- Cosí fan tutte (suite of 4)
- Angel Affair
- Little General
- Broken Promises
- Puppetmaster
- Last Circus
- Monkey Dancer
- Juggler’s Monkey
- Petrouchka ’83
- L’après-midi d’un Faune
- Khensu
- Swan King
- Practice Ring
- Claire de Lune
- The Librarian
- Gift for a Sad Moon
- Wine Collector
- The Three Graces
- Silver Butterfly
- The Dark Unicorn
- Summer Storm
- Mermaid
- Last Lion
- Goddess of the Hunt
- Diamond Warrior Study II
- Daimond Warrior
- Black Panther White Wings
- Tiger Tiger
- Swan Games
- Shade of the Rose
- Moonstruck
- Meditation
- See no Evil
- Lion's Song
- Gold
- Traveling Circus
- There Must Be An Angel
- Five Leopards
- The Royal Cheetah
- Startled Sky Nymphe
- Falling
- Angel of August
- Primavera
- The Centaur
- Golden Lotus
- Artist and Model
- The Decision
- Sphinx
- Little Minotaur
- Angel Maker
- Danae
- Beauty of the Sphinx
- Changing Times
- The Collector
- Hour of the Gods
- Decision of Salome
- Rex Libris
- Dragon Dragon
- Rose Play
- Moonbeam
- Laughing Dragon
- Dragon Heart
- Embraceable You
- Tuesday's Child
- The Letter
- Morning Light
- Butterfly Moon
- Venus & The Female Intuition
- The Art of Michael Parkes II
- The Art of Michael Parkes I
- Limited Black Box
- Dreamscape 2006
- The World of Michael Parkes 1998
- Book Parkes 1996
- Book Parkes 1993
- Book Parkes 1986
- Golden Kingdom
- Calling the rain
- When the Sea Meets the Sky
- When Women Ruled the World
- Journey Home III
- Three Leopards
- The Treasure
- The Secret
- Going Nowhere
- Sleeping Mermaind
- Dark Unicorn
- Danea
- Beauty of the Sphinx
- Moonstruck
- The Last Centaur
- Black Panther White Wings
- See no evil
- Europa
- Study of Flight
- Meditation
- Five Cheetahs
- Angel Affair
- Secret Oasis
- The Glass Slipper
- Butterfly Moon
- The Butterfly Effect
- After the Masquerade
- Pageant of the Black Rhino
- Sophia Rose
- Deva's Garden
- Persephone's Return
- Nightfall
- Angel Interrupted
- Calming the Dragon
- Diamond Warrior
- The Mask
- Ex Libris
- The Letter
- The Last Peony
- The Three Graces
- Going Nowhere
- Sophia Rose
- Dawn
- Dusk
- Four Feathers
- Magic Spring
- The Source
- The last lion
- Moon Thief
- The River
- Circus Memories
- Dragonfly
- Summer and Winter
- Dante
- Sky Painting
- Athena
- Diamond Warriorr
- The Creation
- The Initiation
- Deva
- Desert Dream
- Stalking
- Gargoyles
- Crystal Rose
- The Palmist
- Night Flight
- Maya
- Royal Physician
- Puppetmaster
- Dream for Rosa
- Tuesday Child
- Swan Lake
- Water Music
- The Juggler
- Virgin
- Death of Paganini
- The Last Dragon
- Returning Home
- Captive Princes
- Magician Daughter
- Lock Falcon
- Sweet Sadness
- The Impossible Circle
- St George and the Dragon
- Broken Promises
- Oasis
- Mars
- Geometric Projection
- Transition